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Do you know this?

You keep moving things from your to-do list to the
next day, but somehow this "next day" never comes?

You feel so overwhelmed by the mountain of tasks that lies ahead of you because you just don't know where to start?

And even when you've finally started, you end up distracting yourself with unimportant things?

- Or you realize way too late that your perfectionism has lead you off track by getting lost in unnecessary details?

If that sounds familiar to you and you are already wondering why this is so; whether you are lazy or something is wrong with you – then let me tell you: you are not alone with this!


Everyone has to struggle with this nasty inner resistance. The lack of drive, feeling overwhelmed, perfectionism, distractions – it's called 'procrastination'.


We all have an ego that is incredibly good at making excuses and distracting us from what needs to get done. But if we give in to it too many times, then procrastination eventually will turn into a bad habit – and then it's really time to take action! – Actually, it's better to do so before [but don't worry: it's never too late].


Just imagine for a moment how your life would turn out if you go on like this: if you would continue to be constantly behind your schedule, which stresses you more and more, making you feel worse and worse, decreasing your motivation and willpower – whilst deepening your ego's resistance even further...


Where will this lead to? To a life in which you desperately desire – but will never achieve your goals.

"We must all suffer one of these two things: the pain of discipline – or the pain of regret and disappointment."

– Jim Rohn

What do you think: which pain hurts more? Especially if you consider that self-discipline only "hurts" in the beginning? I'm pretty sure it is the pain of regret and disappointment. And there is also another important and essential question, you should ask yourself:

Do you want to live a mediocre or successful life?

Since that was a rhetorical question, I already know your answer. And the fact that you ended up on this page here shows me that you have already taken the first important step: you have recognized that you are standing in your own way.

Perhaps you also already know, that the same old ways always lead to the same old results. You understood that you have to change something if you want to achieve your goals and create the life of your dreams. And you have chosen to seek support for this change, which is very smart. – Let me take this moment to send you a warm-heartedly 'welcome' :) Now you are probably asking yourself:

What can I expect from the journey from procrastination to self-discipline?

In order to strengthen willpower and self-discipline, I usually work with a combination of coaching and hypnosis. However, if you don't want to be hypnotized, we can also work with coaching alone. How many sessions we will need in total, I can only estimate after getting to know you in the discovery call. Depending on the individual resources, it usually takes 1.5 - 3 sessions.



I. Analysis


Procrastination can have different roots. Therefore we will first analyze in coaching how exactly your resistance is expressed; when it mostly gets triggered and shows up the strongest – and where exactly it's originating from.



II. Recognition & Mindset


Through methodic questioning, I will help you to gain new perspectives and insights. I will guide you into your inner power, with which you will find new drive and a more positive and motivated mindset.



III. System & Plan


Everybody has bad days from time to time. This is precisely why successful people follow daily routines that help them get their tasks done even when dealing with difficult situations or a low mood. I will show you how you can develop a realistic plan with systems and routines that is suitable for your character and individual needs. This will give you a good daily setup, strengthening your body, taming your mind, and allowing you to connect with your true Self [because you aren't your ego].



IV. Working with the Subconscious [optional]


If you are open to hypnosis [it's also possible to skip this], I will use this wonderful tool to dissolve negative belief systems and limiting programs in your subconscious mind – and replace them with new suggestions for positive and progressive behavioral actions [with those we have previously together selected for you]. 



V. Strategies


Further, we will develop strategies for particularly challenging situations and tricks of your own mind that will help you overcome these possible external or internal obstacles and stay motivated. This preparation will also establish a sense of security and will let you become unshakeable. 


Result: Your new 2.0 Self-disciplined Self


With your strengthened mindset, the right systems for your individual needs and [possibly] reprogrammed connections in your subconscious mind, you will be able to pursue your plan and find new drive and motivation.


You will further notice that your willpower is like a muscle that can be trained, which you will even find more and more joy in overtime. So you will experience, that self-discipline becomes more effortless from day to day.


And a beautiful side effect of increasing self-discipline is that it will boost your self-esteem and strengthen your self-love – which will make you feel so much better and will motivate you in addition.


"For years I tried to develop healthy routines for myself that would make me more productive. Somehow I never managed to persevere. I asked myself if I was lazy - but at the same time I felt great motivation to start my own business Then I looked for help. Working with Zazi, I realized that my procrastination was not laziness, but that I was simply overwhelmed. She then helped me not only "install" routines with hypnosis, but also beliefs about fear to change, so that since our meetings I finally really feel a lot of drive for action. "

Anton, Entrepreneur


You want to become more self-disciplined? Book your free preliminary call now.

Simply book an appointment in my online calendar. In the 30-minute discovery call, you can ask any question and share your issue or possible concerns. I will then explain to you how exactly I would work with you in order to help you becoming self-disciplined.


Hypnose Spiritualität
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